Bochinche & Buzz: March 23, 2018

Exclusive scoops & insider gossip by Gerson Borrero

Pols say Cuomo is fearful of Cynthia Nixon's run for guv

In separate conversations with four elected políticos - three Democrats and one Republican - I'm told that Andrew Cuomo’s reaction to the candidacy of Cynthia Nixon denotes that he’s “afraid,” “pissed off,” “stunned,” “angry,” and “truly insulted that anyone would dare challenge him.”

The four bochincheros all made it clear that no elected official wants a primary. All have been challenged during their respective tenures. Each of the bochincheros told B&B in separate conversations that there are ways around this. One said, "the trick is to make sure not to let your fear of whoever the challenger is be known.”Another said, “you can’t flinch.”

We checked with a seasoned Democratic political operator who has known Cuomo for thirty years. Asked if the Governor's reaction to Ms. Nixon translated to flinching? “Absolutely.”

What’s amazing about the conversations with each of these bochincheros is that not one of them - including the Republican, who hates Cuomo - gives Nixon a chance at beating Cuomo. 

We’ll have to see how this plays out.

Now he wants political paz

Michael ‘out-of-town’ Blake - who doesn’t let his colleagues in Albany forget that he worked for Obama - is nervous about his race to be reelected to his 79th AD seat. 

A well placed bochinchero in The Bronx told me that Blake “asked Rubén Díaz, Sr. for a sit-down face to face meeting.” The veteran politico, who is now a member of the NYC Council representing the 18th District, agreed to a breakfast this past lunes. “Blake wants peace. He doesn’t want a primary challenger and asked the seasoned politico for a pass,” said the bochinchero. Blake, whose serial press releases are filled with content that resemble episodes of Seinfeld, “wants the Reverend to pull his guy [George Alvarez] out of the primary race against him.”

In our January 29th B&B, we reported that Díaz was ready to throw his support behind George Alvarez, who unsuccessfully ran for the Assembly seat in 2015 against a then well-financed Blake. 

Blake got some ink after LGBTQ activists and políticos slammed him for a donation he made to the then-State Senator for his City Council campaign. I wonder what those same anti-Díaz activists will say to Blake when they find out about this hush hush desayuno with the Rev.

Another Bronx bochinchero who is familiar with the 79th AD hopes that Díaz doesn’t back off. “If Díaz continues to support George Alvarez there’s no way County is going to back Blake.” But that sounds more like an excuse pols can hide behind - everyone knows that Blake is not popular among many Dems in both The Bronx and Albany.

We're hearing that Díaz has asked Alvarez to meet with Blake and listen to what he has to say. “If Alvarez decides to stay the course and primary Blake then Díaz will keep his word and support him.” In other words, “se jodió Blake.”